Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Risk Assessment

Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes   @

The Risk Assessment course is aimed at members of staff who are responsible for the risk assessment projects in the workplace.

Any working environment with a staff of more than five people has a legal obligation to abide by the rules of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Even if you don’t have the requisite five workers, it is still a good idea to know about risk assessment and have a policy in place.
This E-learning course in Risk Assessment can be done at a time that suits you, without having to use up holidays days to complete it. You can study during your breaks or at weekends or evenings from the comfort of your own home.

The Risk Assessment Course covers the following topics:

·         An introduction to risk assessment
·         Legal Requirements
·         Hazards
·         Risks
·         Objectives of Risk Assessment
·         The Five Stages of Risk Assessment
·         Writing a Risk Assessment and Keeping Records

An Introduction to Risk Assessment

This module explains what risk assessment is about – The examination of anything that might cause you or other members of staff or the general public, harm whilst in the workplace. How those risks are examined and the setting out of a risk assessment policy.

Legal Requirements

This module takes you through the basic rules of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 in order for you to have a better understanding of what is required.


This module talks about hazards such as fire risk and other groups of hazards that need to be explored during a risk assessment. It will also cover topics such as storage of flammable liquids and waste paper and the placement of other objects which can cause a hazard.


This module will teach you about risks and how they can be minimized. You will be taught about the control measures you can put forward in your risk assessment plan.

Objective of Risk Assessment

This module will talk you through the objectives of risk assessment, such as security, planning, prevention and responding to hazards.

The Five Stages of Risk Assessment

This module will teach you about the five stages of risk assessment which are as follows:
·         Identify the hazards
·         Decide who might be harmed and how
·         Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
·         Record your findings
·         Make up a new plan, or review and update a previous one

Writing a Risk Assessment and Keeping Records

In the final module you will be asked to write your own risk assessment and tells you how to keep records and update your findings at least once a year.
Risk Safety Services provide e-learning online courses in Risk Assessment and many other health and safety training topics. Please contact them through their website or by phoning 0843 523 0410.

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