Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Health and Safety in School Workshops

Schools are the building blocks where we send our kids for a better tomorrow, however are we sure that their today is safe, within the confines of these future building blocks. The safety of staff and students is increasingly becoming an issue for school communities, an issue most schools are addressing now. Health and safety law requires employers to appoint a competent and well trained person to help them meet their health and safety duties in accordance with the law. A competent person is someone with the required skills, knowledge and ample experience to give sensible advice about managing the health and safety risks at the school. Following sources maybe pooled in to meet the required result:
·         Person appointed directly by the school or local authority or Academy Trust.
·         One or more staff at the school e.g. principal; head of department, staff members with specialist curriculum knowledge by arranging specialist support from outside.
School authorities should always take a commonsensical and proportionate approach, remembering that in schools risk assessment and management are tools to enable children to undertake activities safely.
Employers must ensure that staff is given updated and suitable health and safety training required for their job and the holistic safety of the school premises. It should provide school staff with basic instructions or information about health and safety in the school. Staff involved with work which involves a greater element of risk, will need more training while rest can be provided with basic safety training. The issues that school employers decide to include in the health and safety policy will depend on the size of the school, the nature of the risks associated with the school’s activities and the competency of staff.
All injuries are preventable. The key to prevention is a positive safety focus in all spheres of our lives. While the laid down guidelines are designed to improve health and safety for school staff, the principles of effective safety and hazard management are applicable in all areas of school activity. It includes students, contractors, visitors and educational activities outside the classroom, which may involve volunteers who also need to follow the school's risk management plans.


Fire is one of the earliest and most important discoveries done by mankind which led the wheel of progress spinning. However the same, when uncontrolled, has taken toll in terms of material, physical and psychological loss of severest kind since the dawn of civilization. No doubt tremendous importance is paid over fire safety measures all across the globe. Fire Safety training for staff is a legal requirement in the UK under the regulatory reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005.
Fire safety is the set of practices which are intended to reduce the destruction caused by fire and to limit the development and effects of a fire after it starts.
Fire Triangle
It’s a tetrahedron where four elements must be present for a fire to exist which are oxygen to sustain combustion, heat to raise the material to its ignition temperature, fuel to support the combustion and a chemical reaction between the other three elements. Removal of any one of the four elements can extinguish the fire.
So what are the possible triggering points or types of fire?
Types of Fire
Class A: Caused by ordinary combustibles such as wood, paper, cloth, trash, and plastics.
Class B: Caused by flammable liquids such as gasoline, petroleum oil, paint, flammable gases like propane and butane

Class C: Caused by energized electrical equipments

Class D: Caused by combustible metals such as potassium, sodium, aluminium, and magnesium

Class K: Caused by cooking oils and greases

Fire Risk Assessments
A regular review a fire risk assessment of the premises helps to identify what is needed to do for fire prevention and ensure safety of people. You must keep a written record of your fire risk assessment if your business has 5 or more people.
Carrying out the Assessment
1.    Identify the fire hazards. There can be any triggering point as listed in the types of fire. List out the sources of items which can trigger fire and which can burn in the premises.
2.    Identify people at risk. You have to identify who could be at risk or who are more vulnerable.
3.    Evaluate, remove or reduce the risks. Evaluate about what you have found in steps 1 and 2 i.e. what are the risks of a fire starting and the risks to the lives of people in the building and vicinity? Remove and reduce risk after thorough evaluation.
4.    Record your findings, keep a log of any fire hazards and what the measures taken to reduce or mitigate them. You must have a well laid out plan of fire prevention and safety of people. If you share a building with others, you need to coordinate your plan with the rest of dwellers. And most importantly the staff needs to know what to do in case of fire, and if necessary suitably trained.
5.    Review and update the fire risk assessment regularly. A regular review is must as the risks or fire safety measures may change. In case of any changes others need to be timely informed and well trained.
You’ll need to consider salient points as a part of fire safety measurement:
·                     emergency routes and exits
·                     fire detection and warning systems
·                     fire fighting equipment
·                     the removal or safe storage of dangerous substances
·                     an emergency fire evacuation plan
·                     providing information to employees and other people on the premises
·                     fire safety training

A risk assessment is identifying sensible and workable measures to control the risks in your workplace and any good organization would ensure that the fire safety measure is in order and regularly updated.

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Wednesday, 28 October 2015

E- Learning – Asbestos Awareness for Architects and Designers

In the past asbestos was thought to be the ideal material for construction owing to the fact that it contains fibres that are resistant to heat and fire and it also gave protection against wind, frost and   cold.
The dangers of asbestos didn’t become apparent until the early 1900s and then it wasn’t totally banned until 1999.

Many old buildings still contain asbestos and that is why it is so important that Architects and Designers are aware of the legislation surrounding asbestos and how the risks of working with it can be avoided.
This course is similar to the course Risk Assessment Services offer to workers in the construction industry, such as builders, plumbers, carpenters and decorators. However, it offers an additional module especially for Architects and Designers, so that they can be made aware of their responsibilities.

The benefits of e-learning

You learn at your own pace at a time that is convenient to you. If you have had a busy week and miss a college class, it may mean that you miss a vital part of the course you are studying. This doesn’t happen on an e-learning online course. You can pick up where you left off and nothing is missed. You study at your own pace and set your own schedule.

The Modules

There are five modules to study which are:
·         Properties and risk of asbestos exposure
·         Different types of asbestos
·         Avoiding the risks from asbestos
·         An outline of asbestos legislation
·         Content for Architects and Designers

Properties and the Risk of Exposure

There are still many, many homes and business which contain asbestos. In this module you will learn about the risks of asbestos exposure and where you will find asbestos in a building.

Types of Asbestos

Once you have completed this module, you will recognize the different types of asbestos and where they can be found in general and construction products.

Avoiding Risks from Asbestos

Here you are taught what to do if you find asbestos, how to conduct a risk assessment and what you should to protect yourself.

An outline of Asbestos legislation
This module covers the basics of the legislation which was laid down in the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and the practices you must adhere to, when working with asbestos.

Content for Architects and Designers
This module will teach you about the responsibilities you face in your profession and how you can work within the rules of asbestos legislation.
This course is an ideal way for Architects and Designers to educate themselves about the dangers of asbestos and how it should be dealt with in the workplace.
Risk Safety Services also provide e-learning online course in Asbestos Awareness and many other health and safety courses. You can contact them through their website or by phoning 0843 523 0410.

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Tuesday, 20 October 2015

what is the primary purpose of accident investigation

Accident Investigation
If an accident or ‘near-miss’ has occurred in the workplace it is important that the incident is investigated thoroughly in order to prevent future accidents.
Risk Safety Services can investigate your accident or ‘near-miss’ either on your behalf or together with a qualified member of staff.

Why does an accident need investigating?

·         To find out why the incident occurred
·         To prevent further incidents in the future
·         To comply with any legal regulations
·         To find out the cost of the accident
·         To start the process of any compensation claims

All the above categories need to be investigated and dealt with as quickly as possible.

Who Investigates Accidents?

A qualified investigation team like Risk Safety Services should investigate accidents and incidents in the workplace. They can work together with:
·         A Safety Officer
·         An Employee with Health and Safety Training
·         A Health and Safety representative

The people who investigate accidents should be experienced and knowledgeable about investigation techniques.

What do Investigators look for?

The investigator will look to see if the accident was caused by a breach of Occupational Health and Safety Training health and safety regulations, such as storing chemicals in an unsafe manner. Or, whether it was caused by human error and if so why?

Investigators will want to know if safety procedures were followed, were the appropriate tools and materials used and were all safety devices working.

They will also look at the environmental causes, such as the temperature, whether or not there was enough light in the building and if any hazardous fumes were present.

Investigators will look at workplace equipment and find out if equipment was in working order and was well maintained, were dangerous materials properly labelled and was protective clothing worn.

What will they ask staff members?

Investigators are likely to ask about the health and welfare of staff, whether they were qualified to the job they were doing and if they were experienced or had received adequate training. Management will have to provide proof that safety procedures were understood by all staff members and that regular training was provided when necessary.

The management will also be asked if a risk assessment was in place at the time of the incident and when this was last updated. It should show that staff were aware of emergency procedure and that all hazards and risks had been identified.

Once the accident investigator has gathered all the necessary information, it will be put together in a report with the investigators conclusions and recommendations for the future. 

Risk Management Services are experienced in the field of accident investigation and they can conduct an in-depth investigation into an accident or incident which occurred in the workplace. They will identify problem areas and make recommendations which will improve safety.

Risk Safety Service also provide a number of E-Learning courses in the health and safety field. If you would like to talk to them about an accident investigation or any other aspect of health and safety, contact them through their website or by phoning them on 0843 523 0410.

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Friday, 16 October 2015

Health and Safety Retainer Packages

According to the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974, any business who has over 5 employees must have a written health and safety policy.

They must also have a Fire Risk Assessment document as well. These policies must show that you take the safety of your employees seriously. If you also take into account the safety of the general public, it demonstrates that you are a responsible business practice.

The Health and Safety policy shows that you have assessed any risks to your employees and/or the general public and that you have taken the necessary steps to protect them from harm.
Even if you don’t have 5 employees a health and safety policy will help you to prevent accidents in the workplace and keep your goods, property and anyone working for you safe.

The policy should be set out so that it is clearly understood by all your employees. It does not have to be particularly lengthy, but it must be clear. It should name the people responsible for the safety aspects in your company, there might be a team of safety officers in a large company, or only one person in a small firm.

The easiest way to comply with regulations is to have a professional health and safety service look after all aspects of health and safety in the workplace. An annual health and safety retainer service will ensure that your policies are kept up to date.

A health and safety package includes:

·         A Health and Safety Policy Document tailored to your needs
·         A useful health and safety manual for employees to read, together with any forms and templates.
·         A regular health and safety newsletter so that all staff are aware of new legislation and useful hints and tips about safety issues
·         General Risk Assessments
·         Telephone and email advice
·         Risk Safety Service become your competent person (as required by law) to meet legislation requirements

Take advantage of the  HealthAnd Safety Action Plan  advice we can give you with an annual retainer service which start from just £25.00 per month. This affordable health and safety service means we can also assist you with pre-qualification questionnaires for individual clients or for national schemes, such as Safe Contractor.  You can use the details of Risk Safety Service’s qualifications and experience when tendering for contracts.

Risk Safety Services are based in the South East of England. We have a vast amount of experience in the field of health and safety. We provide help and advice to a number of companies and corporations throughout the South East of England and beyond. Please browse our website and get in touch with us through the contact form, or by telephone on 0843 523 0410 today.

Wednesday, 7 October 2015

Risk Assessment

Basic Fire Safety Awareness for Care Homes   @

The Risk Assessment course is aimed at members of staff who are responsible for the risk assessment projects in the workplace.

Any working environment with a staff of more than five people has a legal obligation to abide by the rules of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999. Even if you don’t have the requisite five workers, it is still a good idea to know about risk assessment and have a policy in place.
This E-learning course in Risk Assessment can be done at a time that suits you, without having to use up holidays days to complete it. You can study during your breaks or at weekends or evenings from the comfort of your own home.

The Risk Assessment Course covers the following topics:

·         An introduction to risk assessment
·         Legal Requirements
·         Hazards
·         Risks
·         Objectives of Risk Assessment
·         The Five Stages of Risk Assessment
·         Writing a Risk Assessment and Keeping Records

An Introduction to Risk Assessment

This module explains what risk assessment is about – The examination of anything that might cause you or other members of staff or the general public, harm whilst in the workplace. How those risks are examined and the setting out of a risk assessment policy.

Legal Requirements

This module takes you through the basic rules of the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 in order for you to have a better understanding of what is required.


This module talks about hazards such as fire risk and other groups of hazards that need to be explored during a risk assessment. It will also cover topics such as storage of flammable liquids and waste paper and the placement of other objects which can cause a hazard.


This module will teach you about risks and how they can be minimized. You will be taught about the control measures you can put forward in your risk assessment plan.

Objective of Risk Assessment

This module will talk you through the objectives of risk assessment, such as security, planning, prevention and responding to hazards.

The Five Stages of Risk Assessment

This module will teach you about the five stages of risk assessment which are as follows:
·         Identify the hazards
·         Decide who might be harmed and how
·         Evaluate the risks and decide on precautions
·         Record your findings
·         Make up a new plan, or review and update a previous one

Writing a Risk Assessment and Keeping Records

In the final module you will be asked to write your own risk assessment and tells you how to keep records and update your findings at least once a year.
Risk Safety Services provide e-learning online courses in Risk Assessment and many other health and safety training topics. Please contact them through their website or by phoning 0843 523 0410.

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Sunday, 27 September 2015

Asbestos Awareness Training

Asbestos has been used in the construction business since the 1800s and was only stopped around about the year 2000.
It was thought to be the ideal material for buildings since it contains fibres that are resistant to heat and fire. However, these fibres were found to be lethal when people breathed in the tiny particles. They become trapped in the lungs and can cause respiratory diseases like asbestosis and lung cancer.
Therefore, it is important that anyone involved in construction, planning maintenance and design of buildings are aware of the dangers and know exactly how to handle asbestos if they come across it as part of their work.
We have formed a partnership with the company, All about Asbestos, to bring you an e-learning course in Asbestos Awareness. All About Asbestos have over 30 years’ experience in the field and together we offer this e-course to those people who work in commercial, industrial and domestic properties.
The course is designed for anybody who might come into contact with asbestos. This includes builders, plumbers, electricians, carpenters, plasterers and decorators; in fact anyone involved in the re-building or renovation of a property.

The benefits of e-learning
You learn at your own pace at a time that is convenient to you. If you have had a busy week and miss a college class, it may mean that you miss a vital part of the course you are studying. This doesn’t happen on an e-learning online course. You can pick up where you left off and nothing is missed. You study at your own pace and set your own schedule.

The Modules
There are four modules to study which are:
  • Properties and risk of asbestos exposure
  • Different types of asbestos
  • Avoiding the risks from asbestos
  • An outline of asbestos legislation
Properties and the Risk of Exposure
There are still millions of homes and business which contain asbestos. This module takes you through the risks of asbestos exposure and where you will find asbestos.

Types of Asbestos
We will teach you to recognise the different types of asbestos and where they can be found in general and constructions products.

Avoiding Risks from Asbestos
This module talks about what to do if you find asbestos, how to conduct a risk assessment and what you should to protect yourself.

An outline of Asbestos legislation
We take you through the basics of the legislation which was laid down in the Control of Asbestos Regulations 2012 and the practices you must adhere to, when working with asbestos.
This course is to give those people who may come across asbestos as part of their work, the knowledge and training to know how to deal with asbestos safely.

Risk Safety Services provide e-learning online course in AsbestosAwareness and you can contact them through their website or by phoning 0843 523 0410.